Friday, March 6, 2009

Pre to Kill iPhone on June 29, but Not According to Palm

You heard right, err you heard what Roger McNamee (pictured below) is predicting. It's a biased perspective though, seeing how he's a founder of the investment firm that resued Palm from its financial troubles. Here's exactly what he had to say in an interview with Bloomberg:

"June 29, 2009, is the two-year anniversary of the first shipment of the iPhone. Not one of those people will still be using an iPhone a month later. Think about it -- if you bought the first iPhone, you bought it because you wanted the coolest product on the market. Your two-year contract has just expired. Look around. Tell me what they're going to buy."

It sounds like a pretty bold claim that everyone is going to drop their iPhone and run to the store to buy the Pre. I'll admit that the Pre does look like a cool device, but are you really that anxious to give up your iPhone? And what do you think Apple has in store for its new iPhone that should launch in June or July? I can't see the guys in Cupertino giving up without a fight.

Palm is at least being a bit more realistic and discounting McNamee's statements:

"The statement in the second paragraph of the article that "not one" person who bought an Apple, Inc. iPhone on the first shipment date "will still be using an iPhone a month" after the two-year anniversary of that day is an exaggerated prediction of consumer behavior pattern and is withdrawn."


1 comment:

Stopa said...

i think that most people will wait to see if PRE is really that good or if apple will introduce new iphone and just then decide, for me even if pre would be just slightly better i will still be using my iPhone because of the app-store